Mistakes to Look Out For in the Credentialing Process

The entire credentialing process can be overwhelming for dental practices, no matter their size or length of time practicing.

However, completing the credentialing process is essential for ensuring a good standing with various insurance providers, and even Medicaid. Fortunately, you can make credentialing much less overwhelming, and reduce your risks of making vital mistakes during the process, by working with a team of seasoned experts.

Putting it off until the last minute

No matter what provider you’re seeking credentialing from, the process is a long, drawn-out one that can take months to complete, with dozens of hours of paperwork to complete and even more time to double-check. The immensity of the task might make you want to procrastinate until it’s absolutely necessary; however, starting as soon as possible is absolutely necessary. The more time you give yourself, the more time you can dedicate to making sure every line is completed accurately and precisely.

Not tracking the application after submission

After dedicating so much time to completing a credentialing application, it’s tempting to simply let it go and forget about it once you’ve submitted it. However, insurance providers can also be overwhelmed in applications, and the best way to ensure yours doesn’t get lost in the shuffle is to stay on top of its progress after you’ve turned it in. Be sure to ask for confirmation that they’ve received your application, and set up a schedule to routinely check-in for updates.

Not hiring a professional to help

The scope of the insurance credentialing process is unavoidable, but one of the biggest mistakes that dentists make is thinking that they have to surmount it all on their own. The good news is that they don’t. PPO Experts are dedicated specialists who have extensive experience in helping practices negotiate favorable positions with insurance companies and Medicaid. By taking care of the legwork of your credentialing process, we can ensure your application is filled out precisely and stay on top of its progress to give you regular updates after it’s been submitted.