Why You Should Trust an Expert to Apply for Credentialing


 The difference between practicing dentistry and running a dental practice are often as broad as night and day. For example, when you’re caring for a patient, you wouldn’t delegate the entire treatment to someone else. However, when you’re processing that patient’s paperwork, your skills might be much more limited, and the process might be better handled by someone else. The same is true with applying for credentialing with various PPO insurance companies. The credentialing application process is an intensive one that can take months to complete, and more than 40 hours of dedicated time to filling it out. Rather than handle it all alone, increasingly more practices are turning to trusted PPO experts to streamline it for them. 

You only have so much time to dedicate to it

It isn’t impossible to successfully run a dental practice and complete a PPO credentialing application at the same time. Before practices started turning to third-party experts, that was the norm. However, everything occurs more rapidly these days, and your day-to-day responsibilities aren’t what they were for practice owners just a couple of decades ago. Keeping up with your practice and your patients doesn’t have to suffer when you have a trusted expert or team of experts handling your credentialing application process for you. 

Ensure the process is done correctly the first time

In addition to time, accuracy and attention to detail are equally important when you’re filling out a PPO credentialing application.  If you’re rushing through it to save time, you’re likely to miss something or fill something out incorrectly. Leaving any spots blank or, even worse, providing false information can be immediate grounds for your application’s delay or dismissal. Not only will delegating the process to a trusted expert help you save time, but with all of their attention on your application, they can also significantly reduce your chances of submitting an application with errors. 

Complete several applications at once 

The advantages to having a trusted expert fill out one credentialing application are significant, but most practices benefit from being credentialed with several different PPO insurance companies. The advantages of working with a team of experts are multiplied for every application you have them complete, which can often be up to five at a time. The only way to gain that type of advantage in so little time is to trust an expert to apply for credentialing for you. 

Learn more about PPO credentialing

When you want to make sure your credentialing application is accurate and complete, but also want to save time throughout the intensive process, your best bet could be to work closely with a trusted PPO expert. To learn more, or to let us streamline the process by handling it for you, contact PPO Experts today!