Applying for PPO Credentialing? It Pays to Have Help


Applying to be credentialed with a specific PPO insurance company is something that most dental practices have to prepare for at some point. Fortunately, increasingly more practices are learning to lighten the burden on their practice that the process can become by working with third-party teams of PPO experts. Today, we examine why it might be a good idea to get help with PPO credentialing, whether it’s your practice’s first application or you’ve already undergone it before. 

The demands of the credentialing application process

Preparing for the credentialing application process means understanding the demands on your time and attention that it will come with. On average, the typical PPO credentialing application can take a total of more than 40 hours to complete, and every line must be completed accurately. Data and files have to be organized and consulted to ensure all of the information you provide is accurate. Altogether, completing, submitting, and processing the credentialing application can take several months from beginning to end, and it’s important your practice is prepared to shoulder the burden for that time. 

The advantages of working with a team of experts

You can better ensure that your practice is prepared for the credentialing application process by lessening that burden as much as possible. For this reason, many practices take advantage of the skills and expertise of third-party PPO experts, who have extensive experience in accurately and precisely filling out credentialing applications on the part of dental practices of all sizes. The right team of experts can complete the application on behalf of your practice, then track its submission and processing while keeping you updated on its progress. 

Making credentialing a more streamlined process

The more your dental practice grows and the more patients you serve, the more you may benefit from being credentialed with multiple PPO insurance companies. On your own, this could mean repeated the painstaking application process multiple times, and waiting to reap the benefits of credentialing. Or, you can work with a team of professionals who not only streamline the application process for you, but can also complete multiple applications with various companies at the same time. 

Benefit from help when applying for PPO credentialing

If you’re ready to apply for PPO or Medicaid credentialing, then learn why it might be best to get help from a team of PPO experts. To learn more, or to let us streamline the credentialing process by handling it for you, contact PPO Experts today!