Avoiding Errors in the PPO Credentialing Process

Avoiding Errors in the PPO Credentialing Process

Applying for PPO credentialing is an important part of most dental practices’ growth. Unfortunately, many dental practices aren’t fully prepared for the process until they experience it, which may cause them to make mistakes that could lead to time-consuming delays or denied applications. With a few tips to prepare for the application process, including getting help to lessen the burden on your practice, you’ll have a better chance of avoiding errors in your PPO credentialing application and successfully completing the process. 

Understand the process before you start

One of the more common mistakes that dental practices make the first time they apply for credentialing is underestimating the full extent of the application process. On average, completing the application can take a total of up to 40 hours or more, with an additional several months for the application to be processed. This is assuming the process isn’t hindered by errors or mistakes in completing the application. To avoid this mistake, take time to research the PPO company’s specific requirements for completing the credentialing application before you begin. 

Commit to seeing the application all the way through

Even with proper preparation and research into what to expect, actually going through the credentialing application process can still be more daunting than practices might expect. It’s important to commit to seeing the process all the way through no matter what complications may arise, or risk losing the time you’ve invested into the process up to that point. For many dental practices, this is easier with the help of an experienced and dedicated third-party PPO expert, who can help prepare the practice for the credentialing application process, as well as handle most of it for them. 

Have a professional help complete the application

Dental practices of all sizes can often simplify the credentialing application process and improve the chances of its approval by seeking help from a third-party PPO expert. The right professional or team of professionals can provide the experience dental practices need to complete the credentialing application with optimal accuracy and efficiency. Practice can also benefit from having multiple credentialing applications completed at once, each with equal care and attention. 

Streamline the PPO credentialing process

Applying for PPO credentialing can be complex, but with these few tips, you have a better chance of avoiding mistakes throughout the process. To learn more, or to let us streamline the credentialing process by handling it for you, contact PPO Experts today!