Why Should You Work With PPO Experts?

Why Should You Work With PPO Experts

Why Should You Work With PPO Experts?

Do you want to bring in new patients by becoming in-network with one or possibly more PPO insurance companies? This is a great way to open your doors to a new influx of patients, but this could also be a more involved process than you assume. Which is why you may benefit from working with our team of PPO Experts! In today’s blog, we’re looking at how we help you complete this process, and what benefits this could offer for your practice. 

Understanding the Credentialing Process

If you want to be in-network with these companies, you need to complete the credentialing process. This involves first enrolling with the companies in question, and then finishing an application form. The application is a very thorough one, and each one will take about 40 hours to complete. A single wrong answer or missed questions means starting over, and once you start this process you must finish it.

The Value of Being In-Network

But don’t let the arduous credentialing process scare you. There are still major benefits to being in-network. First, since people who carry this coverage will be able to save money seeing you for treatment, they will be more likely to choose you over competition in your community. In addition, the companies themselves could refer people to you. Webpages and social media can be updated to reflect your new status with these plans, so people know who they can go to in order to receive quality care and save money in the process. Much of the pandemic meant that dental practices were forced to limit how many people they saw and what procedures they could offer. Now that the pandemic is winding down, people are feeling more confident about visiting the dentist, so you can use your in-network status to encourage an influx of new patients!

Working with a Team of Experts 

You don’t have to handle this alone! Our team of experts can cover multiple applications, helping you become in-network with multiple companies with placing inordinate strain on your team members or yourself. After all, your focus should always be on your patients and the daily tasks necessary to keep your practice running smoothly. Let us handle the credentialing, and you can handle the new patients coming your way. If you have any questions about this process, then please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re happy to address any questions or concerns, and help you start this journey before 2021 comes to a close.

Ready to Start Your In-Network Journey?

If you want to make major changes to your office and prepare it for 2022, then we want to help you! To find out more and get started right away, please give our team a call today. We want to help your dental practice continue to grow and thrive, even amidst the pandemic.
