Grow Your Practice With Help From PPO Experts

PPO Experts Growing Practice

2020 and 2021 were tough years for dental practices of all kinds, from general dentists to specialists. The focus was on keeping the office open, and helping patients the best you could despite the necessary restrictions placed due to the pandemic. But your team of PPO Experts would like to help you change this in 2022 through the credentialing process! Instead of merely eking by, why not thrive in the new year?

Working on Credentialing

The credentialing process is how you become in-network with a PPO insurance provider. You start by enrolling with the company, and then you complete an application form. Our team of PPO Experts know how to complete this process for your practice. The application form itself takes about 40 hours on average to finish. That said, if you make a single mistake or skip a question by accident, you can’t amend the document, you will need to start over again. If you want to be in-network with several companies, as many dental practices do, this could mean 100 hours or more!

Benefits for Your Dental Practice 

Becoming credentialed offers a number of benefits for your office. First, people who carry dental insurance with these companies will be more likely to choose you over competition in your community, as treatment from your office saves them money. In fact, the companies themselves could potentially refer people to you! You can update your website and use social media to let the world know about this new status, and what plans you accept. For many, this is an excellent way to bring in new patients.

Help from Experts

Our team is friendly, knowledgeable, and ready to help you through each step of the process. You don’t have to worry about placing this strain on yourself or your team members, as we will handle it for you! We can finish the forms right the first time, saving you time and helping you reach your credentialed status much quicker. You can then start your new year with a whole new avenue for attracting patients. Expanding your patient base means greater stability, and a chance for your office to add new equipment and technology, or grow your team as well. If you have any questions about becoming credentialed or about the benefits of working with our team of experts, then contact our team today to learn more.

Ready to Grow Your Practice in 2022?

We would love for 2022 to be an opportunity to help your office obtain new patients, making up for the downturn in 2020 and 2021. If you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule consultation with our team, then give us a call today!
