What Is Dental Credentialing?

What Is Dental Credentialing

Dental credentialing is when you join up with a PPO insurance provider, which means you become in-network. This allows your patients that have that particular insurance to visit you and have their services covered. The biggest benefit for you and your practice is that patients will be more likely to visit you if they know their insurance covers them.

How Do You Become Credentialed?

While expanding the number of potential patients you serve likely sounds great, the process can be complex. You have to provide lots of information to insurance carriers, so they can verify your practice and, in the process, deem you someone they want to work with. This requires accurately documenting your licenses, certifications, and history of your practice. Moreover, once you begin your application form, you must finish it completely and do so thoroughly. It can take close to 40 hours to finish it, and this is for just a single PPO insurance company! The process has to be done for every company you wish to work with. 

A Difficult, Yet Worthwhile Process

Yes, it takes a lot of time to become in-network with a wide array of PPO insurance providers, but it is certainly worth it. After all, as a healthcare provider, you want to help as many patients as possible, and being in-network will allow you to do so. While this is a great goal to have, the reality is that it is difficult to both fill out all of these applications and also continue providing great care to everyone who visits your office. Because of this, having assistance is invaluable.

PPO Experts Can Help

We firmly believe in the importance of being in-network for as many people as possible. This not only helps patients find the dental care they need, but it also allows you to grow your practice and not lose potential individuals to other businesses that work with more insurance providers. This is precisely why our team is thrilled to offer our services to you and your practice. We have the experience to help you navigate this process, and we have done so for many oral healthcare providers. We know the nuances of the assorted forms and documentation you need to provide, so we can take that off your plate. We are able to fill out applications for any PPO insurance providers you would like to work with. Why bog down your team with this arduous process when we can do it efficiently and correctly? You have dental care to provide, so let us handle the credentialing process.

Contact Us If You Have Any Questions

We understand that becoming credentialed might sound complicated and daunting, so we encourage you to contact us with any questions you may have. We are here to help you throughout the entire process.
