How Does Your Practice Become Credentialed?

How Does Your Practice Become Credentialed

As a dental practice, you’re likely seeing an influx of patients as people want to make up for one to two years of not seeing the dentist at all. However, this influx is likely to die down soon, and may not be enough to make up for the two or more years of limited patient loads. To help your practice gain new patients, your PPO Experts recommend becoming credentialed. 

Step One: Enroll

If you want to be in-network with a PPO insurance company, or more than one of the, you first need to enroll with them. This is the first step on your journey toward being credentialed with a company. Once you’re credentialed, this means that people who carry coverage from these companies can be referred to you for treatment. Since they save money by seeking care with you, this gives you an advantage over other dental practices in your community. You can start letting people know about what plans you accept on your website and social media materials too.

Step Two: Complete the Application Process

Next, you must finish the application form. While this sounds pretty straightforward, you should know that the form itself takes an average of 40 hours to finish. That’s per company too, so if you’re wanting to be in-network with more than one, this could be 100 or more hours of work easily. The form must be finished once you start it, and a single mistake means you have to start over, as the document cannot be amended. Being in-network is an excellent way to bring in new patients and help your office grow, even in these uncertain days at the end of the pandemic. But you should also be aware that this could place a lot of pressure on your team. 

Working with a Team of Experts

Instead of putting this on yourself and your team members, as everyone in your practice already has a full plate keeping the office running smoothly and treating patients, why not work with a team of experts? We know this process inside and out and can complete your forms right the first time, so you can become credentialed that much quicker and place your focus where it belongs, on your patients and your team. If you have any questions about becoming credentialed, or about working with a team of PPO Experts to become in-network, then contact our team today to learn more. Now is a great time to start making these big changes!

Do You Have Any Questions?

If you want to learn more about this process in-depth, or if you want to get started, then please give our team a call. We’re happy to answer any questions we didn’t in this blog, and help your practice thrive in 2022 and beyond!
